
Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Hello fellow readres and welocme back todays blog post is about what i have been doing in readng we could read audiobooks, online books or if we have books at home we could read one of those i chooes do read on of my own book. There is the name of my book My Adorable Fox we got some task that we could chooes from my  task was to create a cover of my book that looks nothing like what the author and the author of my book is Sarah Hawkins. We alos had to make a D.L.O I made my D.L.O on canva so here is my D.L.O

You can get on canva by just typing canva in to the google bar

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask

1 comment:

  1. Cool Felcity! I like this work. You have finished this quickly! For the rest of the week could you work on a bonus task? I am interested to know what your book is about. Perhaps you could write an additional paragraph telling us what has happened in the story so far and what it is about - think of the summaries we practiced last year with our novel study.

    - Miss Birtch
