Hi welcome to my final drama blog. Today in drama we did change and challenge I was in a group with Kya, Ella, Jessica and me where in a group together it was a lot of fun to be with them we where with another class that was TZ they all so did it to.I really hope you enjoy my final drama blog if you have any comments please ask a way.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 8 and in 2021 I will be a year 9. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Thursday, March 28, 2019
leaf group
Plants fall into two categories:
1. Evergreen
2. Deciduous
Deciduous |
Evergreen |
1.Canadian leave
2.Suger Maple
3. Willow tree
Simple Compound |
Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Leaf colour: Green
Photo of leaf:
Leaf colour: Green
Photo of leaf:
Plant drawing:
Plant type: Deciduous
Leaf type: Simple
Leaf colour:yellow
Leaf colour:yellow
Plant type: Evergreen
Leaf type: Compound
Leaf colour:green
Leaf colour:green
Photo of leaf:

Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:
Plant drawing:
Carnivorous plants
Pine trees
Fruit trees
NZ Natives
Title: NZ Natives
1.Spoon-leaved sundew
1.Spoon-leaved sundew
2.Drosera peltata
3.Utricularia dichotoma
4.Utricularia delicatula
Title: Australian
1.Utricularia delicatula
4.Pitcher plant
Habitat: Where do they live? New South Wales,Western Australian and the Northern Territory.
Country: Australian
Climate:20 to 25
My learing story
Welcome to my learning story over a few weeks I have achieved the goal I can work successfully with others in science this year and this was in people smart I'm very proud of myself for achieving this but this is how I achieved this goal because I was working well in science with my group.The people in my group were Kya,Ella,Jessica and my favourite science subject was the crazy crystals one some off the crystals were Salt,Borax,Sugar for the Borax one you need this Materials you need 1)Borax,
2) A cups ,3) popsicle stick,4) pape cleaner, 5) hot water,6) string,7) spoon.The next one I achieved was I use feedback to improve my learning this one is from the.Active Learner and I really do use the feedback that I get from the teachers the next one that I got was from the Learning Smart it is I am organised and have everything that is need for my learning this one means that I can do my work on time and have all my stuff ready to do my work. Then the second to last one is Thinking Smart it is I understand others opinions and ideas so this means that I understand what people are saying and what they mean when they are writing. The very last one that I Achieved was the Cybersmart one it is I use the internet and devices in a safe way.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Freeze frame in Drama
Welcome to my blog in drama we did a freeze frame I was in a group with Kya,Ella,Jessica and me. Ours was iceaball that is ice skating and basketball but combined in one. It's very fun to play but it is an imaginary game that we made up for Drama but we had fun making it. I would love for it to be a real game that people can really play and know how they would play it.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Reflect on the artwork we have chosen
Last Wednesday I went on a Garbage run with a group the people in my group were me Kya,Jessica,Ashton,Sahara,Clayton,Shan,Brodie and mis fire Raven it was alot of fun cleaning up kyle park there was alot of rubbishes to pick up at the park and then we would make it in to art the art is birds and plants becaues that is what we all chose to do. This is my favourite bird and plantes. 

Friday, March 15, 2019
DMIC Maths
Hello and welcome to my blog about some maths I learnt in my maths calss today it is about
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Shadow Dragon Puppet Drama
1~Black coloured dragon
2~popsicle stick
3~sticky tap
6~permanent marker
I was going to make a cat but I changed my mind so I did a shadow dragon instead of doing a cat. My puppet is based off a book I was reading in class it was a very good book to read it had about 24 pages but I managed to read it all but it does take a while to read but it is worth it.
2~popsicle stick
3~sticky tap

6~permanent marker
I was going to make a cat but I changed my mind so I did a shadow dragon instead of doing a cat. My puppet is based off a book I was reading in class it was a very good book to read it had about 24 pages but I managed to read it all but it does take a while to read but it is worth it.
Baking Scone in Science
Aim: To look at different kitchen ingredients in scones and their effects.
1. Normal
1. Name: Normal
.1/4 cup milk
.2 tsp butter
.1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour
1.A contaner
2.A spoon
3.A plate
4.A piece of paper
5.A pen
6.baking tray
7. baking paper
Step 1: First you need these ingredients thay are 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour,1 tsp Edmonds baking powder or 1 tsp baking soda,1/4 cup milk,2 tsp butter and a contaner and spoon so you can have something to mix with and something to put the ingredients in to.
Step 2: Then ones you have put the ingredients in the contaner you can sture it with the spoon.
Step 3:Nexts you can star to make the dough in to a circle ones you have made them in to a circle you can put them a the tray.
Step 4:Ones you have put them on the tray you can put them in the oven for 20 minutes and the temperature is 200.
Step 5:Them you can put them in the oven for to 2 minutes one the the oven has finish you can take it out of the oven.
Step 6: Next you can put them on the counter to cool down then you can eat them and see how it taste.
- 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour
- 1 tsp Edmonds baking powder or 1 tsp baking soda Leomnade Recipe
- 2 tsp butter
- 1/4 cup milk, approximately or 1/4 cup lemonade.
1. Normal
3. Milk
4. NO baking powder
1. Name: Normal
1. Name: Normal
- 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour
- 1 tsp Edmonds baking powder or 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 cup milk
- 2 tsp butter
2. Name: Leomnade
- 2 tsp butter
- 1/4 cup lemonade
- 1 tsp baking soda Leomnade Recipe
.2 tsp butter
.1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour
1.A contaner
2.A spoon
3.A plate
4.A piece of paper
5.A pen
6.baking tray
7. baking paper
Step 1: First you need these ingredients thay are 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour,1 tsp Edmonds baking powder or 1 tsp baking soda,1/4 cup milk,2 tsp butter and a contaner and spoon so you can have something to mix with and something to put the ingredients in to.
Step 2: Then ones you have put the ingredients in the contaner you can sture it with the spoon.
Step 3:Nexts you can star to make the dough in to a circle ones you have made them in to a circle you can put them a the tray.
Step 4:Ones you have put them on the tray you can put them in the oven for 20 minutes and the temperature is 200.
Step 5:Them you can put them in the oven for to 2 minutes one the the oven has finish you can take it out of the oven.
Step 6: Next you can put them on the counter to cool down then you can eat them and see how it taste.
1. NORMAL | White | Disgusting | 1/2 inch |
2. Milk | Brown | Tangy and hard | 1/2 inch Milk Lemonad 1/3 inch |
3. leamonad | White | Disgusting |
Conclusion: Of the Materials are A contaner, spoon, plate,a piece of paper,pen,
baking tray,baking paper.My Normal Scone was Disgusting the colour was white the height is 1/2 inch.The milk one was they Tangy and hard and the colour was brown and the height was 1/2 inch.Then the we had the Leamonad one it was The same colour as the normal one it was white to the taste of the leamonad one was disgusting the height of the lemonad one was 1/3 inch. There are the ingredients for the normal frist you need 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour second you need 1 tsp Edmonds baking powder or 1 tsp baking soda then you need 1/4 cup milk next you need 2 tsp butter. Then for the milk one you will need 1/4 cup milk then you will need 2 tsp butter next you will need 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour. Then for the leamonad one you will need 2 tsp butter then you will need 1/4 cup lemonade nexts you will need 1 tsp baking soda.
baking tray,baking paper.My Normal Scone was Disgusting the colour was white the height is 1/2 inch.The milk one was they Tangy and hard and the colour was brown and the height was 1/2 inch.Then the we had the Leamonad one it was The same colour as the normal one it was white to the taste of the leamonad one was disgusting the height of the lemonad one was 1/3 inch. There are the ingredients for the normal frist you need 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour second you need 1 tsp Edmonds baking powder or 1 tsp baking soda then you need 1/4 cup milk next you need 2 tsp butter. Then for the milk one you will need 1/4 cup milk then you will need 2 tsp butter next you will need 1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour. Then for the leamonad one you will need 2 tsp butter then you will need 1/4 cup lemonade nexts you will need 1 tsp baking soda.
Crazy Crystals
Home Chemistry - Crazy Crystals
Aim: To learn about a saturated solution and how to make crystals
Definition of solution:
A liquid mixture, when something is dissolved into a liquid (eg: sugar in water)
Definition of saturated:
Having or holding as much as can be absorbed of something (when no more sugar or borax can be dissolved into the water)
In groups of three you will make three different types of crystals and compare the results.
Borax Crystals

Ratio; 3 Tablespoons Borax per 1/2 cup water
2) A cups
3)popsical stick
4)pape cleaner
5) hot water
6) string
Step 1:Borax
Step 2:Add 4 spoons of Borax
Step 3:Place hot water into the cup
Step 4:stir till the borax has dissappered
Step 5:tie a string to a popsical stick then tie a pipe cleaners into a star and attach it to the string
Step 6:place in the cup and let it sit for a few days
Sugar Crystals
2)A cups
3)popsical stick
4)hot water
5) string
Step 1:Sugar
Step 2:Add 4 spoons of Sugar
Step 3:Place hot water into the cup
Step 4:stir till the sugar has dissappered
Step 5:tie a string to a popsical stick
Step 6:place in the cup and let it sit for a few days
Salt Crystals

Ratio: 4 Tablespoons salt to 1/2 cup water
2)A cups
3)popsical stick
4)hot water
Step 1:Salt
Step 2:Add 4 spoons of Salt
Step 3:Place hot water into the cup
Step 4:stir till the salt has dissappered
Step 5:tie a string to a popsical stick
Step 6:place in the cup and let it sit for a few days
Describe your crystals in the table below.
Crystal Type
(Describe the shape) |
(of individual crystals) |
(Crumbly to Rock Hard) |
| snow flakes | small | Hard |
| crastals | not | formed |
| starght | madium | Hard |
What crystals worked out best and why?:
Conclusion:The Borax one worked the best becaues it was a snow flake and it was small and hard like crystal should be and what a crystal should look like it was very pretty and sparkly and rock like.
Conclusion:The Borax one worked the best becaues it was a snow flake and it was small and hard like crystal should be and what a crystal should look like it was very pretty and sparkly and rock like.
Salt Crystals |
Sugar Crystals |
Borax Crystals |
7 different crystal shapes
The 7 types of crystals
Explain how the following crystals are formed?
| Explanation |
| sea water pond sun Evaporats water salt |
| Sugar cane hup it up squish/roll juice evaporats water suger crystals |
| Dust, water freezes to dust more water freezes to it |
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