Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what we did at Orana Park.
We went to Orana Parkon monday the group that we went with was Tz but befor we could go we had to be split in to groups there was group 1 and group 2 I was in group 1.
The frist animla we saw was the Meerkats then the next animal we saw was the spider monkeys then the emus then the Tasmanian
Devil.Next was the Lions then the Tigers but sadly they were not then it was the kiwi's next was the Kea's next was the reptile house.
Then it was time for lunch after luch we saw the Zebras then the bisons next was the Rhinoceros then the Orangutan's and the Gorillas the last animal we saw was the Giraffes we even got to feed them.

Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about a reflection that we are doing for Digital Technology.
Scratch is a web based software that you can use to make animation's and a coding game you can use the codes to make the character's move from one plans to another.
Sphero is a robots that you have to do some coding to make to move you can change the colour of the robots and you do not have to code it if you do not want to you can just drive it.
Both of the apps have coding in them so that both of them can be programed in a similar way.
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what we have done in PE hurumanu this week we did this with Tz.
The game that we played was Bench ball but be for we could start we had to do some warm up's the warm up's were 40 star jumps, running 10 times and 20 high kness we do warm up's so are body's do not hart when we are playing the game.
The drills we did was Sneak Up On Granny, it was a easy drill for me to do becuase I have played the game before with some of my friends.
The rules for bench ball are if the other team touches the ball and it go's out the other team has to get the ball and throw it to a player on there team. There is one person on the bench that has to catch the ball that their team player throws to them, that player must go on the bench. The teams were Tz year 7 vs Bh year 7 and Tz year 8 vs Bh year 8s then at the end of the game it was year 7 form both classes vs 8 year from both classes.
In maths I learnd that there are many more strategies then you think there are to answer a question I feel like the task was a little to hard for me but I did it anyways. Me and my group did multiplication and plussing as a strategy and it work out the people in my group for maths was Haylee and TJ.
I'am an outstander because if there is some thing that I do not like i do it anyways.I work sucessfully with other becuase I co-operate and listen to what they have to say I can understand how my feelings an actions affect other because I try not to make things difficult and do as my group wants me to do.
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what we are doing in C.I.P. For C.I.P we had to make a D.L.O about how we could recycle pens, highlighter, markers etc some of the things that we do not accepting are glue sticks, rulers, erasers, scissors, wooden pencils, wax crayons, chalk etc.
How are we going to spread our message to the community? We are going to share are D.L.O's on facebook the tvs around the school.
How do you think will get involved? I think hornby community will try to help us by giving us there pens that are empty or do not work.
How many kgs do you predict we will collect? I think we will collect 700 kgs of pens.
What should we do with donation money we receive from TerraCycle? I think we could donation the money to some animal shelters, salvation army and some food shelters.
Hello fellow readers and welcome back to my blog post todays blog post is about how to do a Commuty Circles for this task we had to get into partners my partner was Jessica for this task we had to make a D.L.O or a video we chooes to do a D.L.O
Hello fellow readers and welcome back, todays blog post is going to be about Ella West and some of the books she has written about.

One of her books is Night Vision some of my friends have read this book they say it's very interesting to read I would love to read Night Vision. One of her other book's Rain Fall it is also a little like Night Vision becuase they both have murder. But the girl in Night Vision has a condition called XP which means the girl can'ot go out side in the sunlight unless she is fully covered so that her skin does not shows.

Hello fellow readers and welcome back to my blog post todays blog post is about what we have been doing in Digital technology the main tings that we are working on are Social issue, Environmental issue, Ethical issue and the work that we hade to do is a brainstorm for all of this issues then we hade to do a Learning Log there is the Learning Log.