Hello fellow readers and welcome to my blog about my trip to Westport.I had to leave at 7am on Saturday morning and spent the night at the Caravan park in Westport. We passed through Reefton which was an old township then we went on a old swingbridge that crossed the river. While in Westport I did the following Cape Foulwind,Fur seals,coaltown museum,swimming and Denniston mine which was a working mine in the 19th and 20th century.
There was some old mining buckets and rail tracks with lots of coal still on the ground. There was a steep incline with rail tracks on it that took the coal buckets down to the river bank and into Westport.
The Fur seals are at Tauranga Bay near Cape Foulwind. These Fur seals are a year round colony when we went they where malting and growing pups one of the Fur seals was in the ocean playing and one was playing on its back in a lagoon and some of the Fur seals were sleeping on the rocks.
At Cape Foulwind there was a lighthouse that used to guide ships in and tell them were the rocks were.
Then we drove the ocean view road to Greymouth where we went rock collecting on the beach and we went swimming at the indoor pool centre then we had lunch and then we went home to Christchurch. We got home about 8pm that night.
As we were driving to Westport and Greymouth we spotted 55 waterfalls along the way and on our way back across Arthurs pass there was snow landing on top of the mountains and small hail balls were landing on our car.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 8 and in 2021 I will be a year 9. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Writing about Happier
Hello and welcome to my blog about the song happier we had to chose if we where the girl or the dog I have chosen to be the girl hope you enjoy my blog.Here is the link to happier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7Bc3pLyij0.
It was my birthday all of my firends and family we're running around and I was sitting at the table then my birthday cake came out and I was jus about to blow the candles out and a girl ran over and blow my candles out that made me very sad and mad than my uncle came in with a box I open the box and there was a bow inside the box the colour for the bow was yellow then I put the bow back in the box then he came back out with a dog I called the dog Mello me and him where best bubbys I loved him very much.
It was many years later and Mello and we where still traning very hard I got bulled in school becuase I had braces but I still love Mello But one day Mello got very sick and that made me very sad so we had to take him to the vet but they could not save that was very sad for me but I was the best for him it was 20 year later and we got a new puppy and I thave a kid now and for her bithrday my uncle came out with a box that had a red bow in it then she put the back in the bx the same way I did the box looked the same to then he came out with a dog and that reminded me of my bithrday but I was happy for her becuase the dog looked gust like Mello she was so happy when she got the dog like I was.
Thank you for reading my writing about the song Happier and that a good bye from me for now.
It was my birthday all of my firends and family we're running around and I was sitting at the table then my birthday cake came out and I was jus about to blow the candles out and a girl ran over and blow my candles out that made me very sad and mad than my uncle came in with a box I open the box and there was a bow inside the box the colour for the bow was yellow then I put the bow back in the box then he came back out with a dog I called the dog Mello me and him where best bubbys I loved him very much.
It was many years later and Mello and we where still traning very hard I got bulled in school becuase I had braces but I still love Mello But one day Mello got very sick and that made me very sad so we had to take him to the vet but they could not save that was very sad for me but I was the best for him it was 20 year later and we got a new puppy and I thave a kid now and for her bithrday my uncle came out with a box that had a red bow in it then she put the back in the bx the same way I did the box looked the same to then he came out with a dog and that reminded me of my bithrday but I was happy for her becuase the dog looked gust like Mello she was so happy when she got the dog like I was.
Thank you for reading my writing about the song Happier and that a good bye from me for now.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Title:He was singing
Hello and welcome to my musci blog we are doing a blog about simple sentences mine is about a boy how is singing by a lake we had to think about adjective,when,where,how,why they where all the ones we had to think about in musci.
He was singing loudly.
In the morning he was singing loudly.
In the morning by the lake he was singing loudly.
In the morning by the lake he was sining loudly and was sitting like a dog.
In the morning by the lake he was singing loudly and was sitting like a dog because he was bored.
Hello and welcome to my musci blog we are doing a blog about simple sentences mine is about a boy how is singing by a lake we had to think about adjective,when,where,how,why they where all the ones we had to think about in musci.
He was singing loudly.
In the morning he was singing loudly.
In the morning by the lake he was singing loudly.
In the morning by the lake he was sining loudly and was sitting like a dog.
In the morning by the lake he was singing loudly and was sitting like a dog because he was bored.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
PE Playback
This week we did hurumanu PE
~Looking at the history of games.
~Showing teamwork skills.
~Reflect on our coaching and leaning.
This week we did PE for one of are hurumanu lesson the first thing we did was bench-ball we had to line up year 8 on one side smallest ot biggest then the year 7 had to do the same I was the tallest year 7. The teams where non bibs 1 then yellow, light blue, red, dark blue, orange, green and non bibs 2 I was on the orange team the first team my group vs the red team and we won. Today we did kick the long ball it was Bh vs Tz Im in Bh we where the baters first we had to wear bibs the colour of the bibs where red it's been a lot of fun in hurumanu PE this week Im very excited to do hurumanu PE can not wait to do it next Friday and Thursday.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Doing forensic chemist in science.
What is that white powder?
Today you will be a forensic chemist.
A bag of white powder has been confiscated by the airport customs. You need to find out what white powder it is?
There are a number of different white powders in our everyday life. Some of these are harmful and others are not. Test the four white powders listed to see which one has been found at the airport.
Here are some examples of everyday kitchen white powders.
Flour, Cornflour, Sugar, Salt, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Icing Sugar, Tartaric Acid
Citric Acid, Gluten Free flour
You will be given a small amount of 4 white powders on your cardboard. On the black cardboard using a magnifying glass look at the powders.
Look at them under your magnifying glass and record what you see.
1. Cornflour
2. Baking Soda
3. Salt
4. Sugar
Before you add the iodine, vinegar or water you will need to divide each powder into 3.
1. Cornflour
2. Baking Soda
3. Salt
4. Suger
5. spoon
6. paper
7. pencil
1. First you need some Cornflour ,Baking Soda,Salt,Suger and a spoon a piece of paper and a pencil.
2. Next you need to fold the paper into fours then use the pencil to draw the lines on.
3. Ones you have draw the lines on the paper you can put the Baking Soda in one of the boxes then put the Cornflour in the other one next put the Sugar in the second to last one then in the last box you can put the Salt and then you can put them into three group's.
4. Then ones that is done you can see what it looks like and the texture of it and the smell of it but when you get to put the idine on and the wateron and the vingar on you must put them on separate ones.
5. The next one you can do is what happens if you put lodine on Baking Soda,Suger,Salt,Cornflour.
6. The next two that you can do is to see what happens if you put water and vinegar on them to see what happons to them.
Baking Soda
| |
| white | white | white | white |
| cuby | crumbly | soft/crumbly | soft |
| sweet | salty | cooked | has no smell |
| fizzing | crystal | fluffy | no reaction |
| crystal | crystal | dissolved | oblack |
| grey | crystal | fizzy | no reaction |
Write a paragraph about your findings.
I was in a group with Kya,Sahara.The first one me and my group did was the sugar the appearance was white the texture was cuby. Then the next one was what it smelled like and that was sweet and then we have to fine out what would happened when we put lodine,water or vinegar. The first one we did was lodine the reaction it hade was just to go fizzing then we put some water on it the reaction it hade was to just crystal.The final one we did with the suger was what would happen if we put some vinegar on it and it just want grey.The next one we did was Salt bthe appearance was white same as the Suger the texture was crumbly for that one next was what it smell like it smelled very salty then we did what would happen if you got smoe lodine and put it in the salt it just crystal then we did Water and vinegar they were the same as the lodine they crystal.Next we did Baking Soda the appearance of it was white the same as the Salt and Suger one the texture of it was soft/crumbly the next one we did with Baking Soda was what it smelled like the smell of it was cooked then we did what would happon if we put lodine and it went fluffy then was the water the Baking Soda just dissolved it. Then was vinegar the Baking Soda went fizzy.The next one we did was Cornflour the first one was the appearance was white then was the texture it was soft next was what it smell but it had no smell to it then we did lodine but that had no reaction next was water the reaction was it turned to obleck then we did vinegar but like the other one it had no reaction to it.
Making Sherbet
Once you have completed your blog and cleaned up all your equipment you can make sherbet.
Using the following recipe you can make sherbet.
Sherbet recipe
1 tsp of powdered drink crystals (eg refresh)
1/4 tsp citric acid
1/2 tsp icing sugar
1/4 tsp -baking soda.
Put all ingredients into a zip lock bag, stir, and enjoy.
1.zip lock bag
2.baking soda
3.citric acid
4.icing suger
5.drinking crystals
1.First here are the materials that you need 1. zip lock bag,2.baking soda,3.citric acid,4icing sugar,5.drinking crystals.
2. Then ones you have all of those materials you need to get the zip lock bag and open it.
3. Then you can out 1 tsp of powdered drink crystals in to the zip lock bag.
4. Ones you have done that you can put 1/4 tsp of citric acid in the bag with the drinking powdered into the zip lock bag.
5. Next you can put 1/4 tsp of icing sugar into the bag with all of the other ingredients in it.
6. Finally you can put the last ingredient in to the zip lock bag 1/4 tsp of baking soda. Next you can start to mix the ingredients in the bag but make sure to lock the bag so all of it does not come out of it then you can ehjoy you'r sherbet.
| |
| yummy |
| pink |
The very first one we did was the sugar one we had to see what the appearance was and what the texture was and the small then we wanted to see what many different liquids would do to the sugar the first liquid we did was Iodine and it just went fizzing ever where next one we did was water and it just crystal then we did vingar and it did the same as the water one. The next one we did was Baking Soda the appearance of it was white and the texture was soft/crumbly the next one was the small it smelled cooked the next one we did was lodine and it went all fluffy and we did was water and it just dissolved then we did was vingar and it went all fizzy.Then we did Cornflour the appearance was white just like all the others next was texture and it was soft then was the small and it had no small so the next one was the liquids the first one is Iodine and it had no reaction so next was water and it turned to oblack the next one is vingar and well it had no reaction.
So that is it goodbye from me thank you for reading my blog
So that is it goodbye from me thank you for reading my blog
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Hello and welcome to my music blog today I will be ansering some questions for you.
What is music? What types are there?
A type of relaxation and it calms you when you are stressed the types of music are Pop, Rock, Jazz, Rap and country.
Where can we find/hear/experience music? We can hear music at a concert and radios at home and school.
What type of music do you like to make or listen to? I like to listen to little mix, kiss, nightcore, Katy perry, Taylor swift.
What do you want to learn about /do in Music Hurumanu? How to play some instruments and lisaten to music.
Thank you for reading my blog goodbye.
What is music? What types are there?
A type of relaxation and it calms you when you are stressed the types of music are Pop, Rock, Jazz, Rap and country.
Where can we find/hear/experience music? We can hear music at a concert and radios at home and school.
What type of music do you like to make or listen to? I like to listen to little mix, kiss, nightcore, Katy perry, Taylor swift.
What do you want to learn about /do in Music Hurumanu? How to play some instruments and lisaten to music.
Thank you for reading my blog goodbye.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Today in CIPwe had to finish are feather for are bird the bird that we are doing is a Kea I had alot of fin doing CIP this year and there were many other body parts to work on.
It was fun becuase we got to make some body parts of a kea and I liked picking up all the rubbish.
I chose to make the feather of the kea for CIP oh and this is my final CIP blog.We also did a thing call passion projects and I did singing of my passion and I chose it becuase I really like to sing.There where many more passion such as danceing, Rugby, Basketball, eco-warriors, Student council, Ambassadors, heath promotion team and much more.
It was fun becuase we got to make some body parts of a kea and I liked picking up all the rubbish.
I chose to make the feather of the kea for CIP oh and this is my final CIP blog.We also did a thing call passion projects and I did singing of my passion and I chose it becuase I really like to sing.There where many more passion such as danceing, Rugby, Basketball, eco-warriors, Student council, Ambassadors, heath promotion team and much more.
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