
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Rover Launch

Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I have been doing for science this week we had to do some explanation writing about the NASA Launch that happend on the  30th of July they sent up a rover to explore Mar s we had to do work about the launch.

Here is my work....

Have you ever wanted to go to Mars?? The name of the rover is Perseverance. This name came for a school competition there were 28,000 entries. The name of the kid that was drawn is Alex Mather he went to Springfield he was from the U.S. The name that he put in for the rover was chosen and his family got to go watch the launch. 

The location of the landing for the Mars rover. The rover will land on Mars on February 18th of 2021 in a Jezero crater, Mars this means it will land on Mars in 1 year from now.

The main job of the Perseverance rover’s job is to seek signs of ancient life and collect rocks and soil samples for  possible return to earth for scientists to study and see what the habitat on Mars is like and what happens to the rocks and soil.

The rover was designed to better understand the geology of Mars. It's also testing new technology to benefit the future and to assess ancient habitability.

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