
Monday, August 9, 2021

Types of Energy

 Hello fellow readers and welcome, back today's blog post is about what we are doing for science. For science, we are learning about energy transformations. Energy does not get created or destroyed, it just moves from one type to another. 

 There are 8 different types of energy are Light energy, Heat energy, Sound energy, Kinetic energy, Electrical energy, Gravitational energy, Chemical Potential energy, and Elastic energy. Light energy is from x-rays to visible light,  Heat energy is produced by the movement of particles quickly, Sound energy is vibrating particles that cause sound, Kinetic energy is by allowing anything to move, Electrical energy is found in anything that uses electricity, Gravitational energy is found in objects high off the ground, Chemical Potential energy is found in chemicals like food and fuel, and  Elastic energy is found by stretching things. 

An example of this is the marshmallow cannons we made.

1.Cut the base off a cup (polystyrene)

2.Cut the balloon 1/2 way down the neck

3.stretch the balloon

4.Carefully put the balloon over the base of the cup

5. Then put a marshmallow in the bottom of it.

6.Next pull the balloon and see how far it goes.

Here is an animation on how the marshmallow cannon would have worked and the types of energy it uses I made this one of my friend's Danni.

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