Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what we have to do for drama today.So for drama we have to chooes which actor we like the most.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 8 and in 2021 I will be a year 9. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Margaret Mahy Playground
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about the day we went out the the city for one of are days out.We started of at Margaret Mahy playground then the libarey, Museum. We got to chooes what one we wanted to make a D.L.O about I chooes to make it about Margaret Mahy Playground.
Here is my D.L.O....
Monday, December 7, 2020
Water Safety
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is going to be about 8 tips on water saftey.I had to do this for one of are big days out activitys this activity is about when we went to Jellie park we had to make it on a D.L.O I have made my D.L.O on canva.
Here is my D.L.O....
Horror Story
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what we have been doing for reading. So for reading we have been make horror storys we got to work in partners or on our own. I choose to work with someone the person that I was working with is Riansha are story in about the Haunted sleepover.
Here is are work so far...
Characters: Felicity also city, Kirsty, Riansha, Shelby, Loloma-girl group
Ashton, Isaac, Angus, Alex, Diago-Boy group
Chapter 1-The Abandoned Cemetery
Chapter 2- The mean old lady
Chapter 3 - The Walk Around The Neighborhood
Chapter 1 - The Abandoned Cemetery
On Friday 13, there was a group who were walking home together because they were going to
have a slumber party at Shelby’s house. On the way home, they found a mysterious tunnel that
they never saw, but they decided to go through the tunnel late at night. All the girls started at
exactly 7 PM, they painted their nails, put face masks on. A few minutes later the boy gang came
and toilet papered our house but luckily no adults were home. They quickly took all the toilet
paper of the house, but then Kirsty started thinking about the mysterious tunnel that they saw
earlier on the way back home. Kirsty told the other girls about the mysterious tunnel and they all
decided to go to that mysterious tunnel. They packed flashlights and batteries, 20 minutes later
they arrived at their destination. They all went in together with their own flashlights, they saw
cobwebs all around the tunnel. The girls finally made it to the other side, they saw an abandoned
cemetery, they went around the cemetery, Loloma accidentally stood on someone's grave. After
40 minutes of exploring they decided to go back to Shelby’s house. On their way back to Shelby’s
house they kept on hearing someone stepping on twigs on empty streets all they could see was
dark streets and so much fog in the void in front of them, they also kept on hearing hissing noises
and random things falling down. They finally got home, they all set up their beds, after they
ordered pizza but it came an hour later, the pizza delivery woman seemed sus.
The old lady seemed so rude she made the girls charge extra money. But the girls refused
because the old lady came late and the pizza cooled down so they paid less money.
The old lady just walked off after giving the girls an evil look.
Chapter 2-The mean old lady
The pizza woman was very weird looking and kind of suspicious-looking. She was wearing a
black hoodie and her hood was up. She had long black gloves on, she gave them pizza,
they took it inside and all sat down at the table and warmed it up since the pizza came an hour
late. After pizza, the girls went to bed. They were all asleep but Riansha kept on hearing
scratching noises from Shelby’s closet, and suddenly the windows opened “WHOOSH” the wind came in from the window, she quickly woke the other girls up as soon as everyone woke up
everything stopped, all the girls thought that Riansha was crazy. But the scratching began again
and the girls were scared and confused “Hey City can you go and call the boys so they can come
and see what the hell is in my closet please” Said Shelby “Sure thing” said Felicity so she ran
down the hallway to the kitchen were here phone was sitting in the microwave she picks it up
and calls the boys “hello?’ said Isaac “hi is this Isaac” asked Felicity “Yes how are you?” said
Isaac “Bro it’s me Felicity” Said Felicity “Oh hi haha what do you need” asked Isaac “there is a
weird noise coming from Shelby’s closet” said Felicity “Ok we will all be there in a second,” said Isaac.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Child Poverty
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what Child poverty is and what it means. For this I have to make a D.L.O.
Here is my D.L.O.....
Friday, November 27, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about Diwali for Diwali I had to make a D.L.O about it and what it is and what it means and the reason they celebrate Diwali.
Here is my D.L.O....
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Book Review about the book boy
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is going to be about a book review we had to do about are books.
Here is my book review...
The book that I was reading was Boy Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl I chooes the novel because it looked intresting and I really wanted to know about what happend in Roald Dahl's life overall I think the book was very intresting to read and I loved Learning about his live and what it was like back then.My favourite part of the story was when he was tell us about how he went to bording school.Some of the characters in the story were Roald Dahl,his siblings,mum,sisters boyfriend and some of his friends.I would recommend this book the kid up to the age of 5 to 12 or 13 maybe.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what we have been doing in writing. So for writing we have been doing speeches my speech is about why we should be allowed phones at school. We are doing this so we can learn how to do it when we are older and need to do speeches. I enjoyed writing the speech about I did not like it when we had to recored are selfes.It was a challeng to recored myself but I told me self I could do it. That I need to breathe were there are fullstoppes and not look like im runnning out of breath.The purpose of persuasive writing is to try and persuade people into thinking and taking your side in the argument.
Here is my speech...
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Gymnastics-Term 4
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about 4 moves we have been doing on the Trampoline, Beam, Parallel bars, Bar, Floor/mat, and Mini trampoling.
Trampoline-Front flip,Bum knees feet,swivel hips,back flip
Beam-walking backwards,skipping,hop,frog jumps
Parallel-hang off bars,hand walk backwards, Hand walk forwards,
Bars-circle up on bar,roll off bar,leg throught roll,windmill
floor/mat-Cartwheel,Headstand,Handstand,log roll
Mini Trampoline-Barani,Crash die,flip,tuck jump
Somthing new I learnt this term in Gymnastics is how to do the windmill its very fun to learn it does hurt somtimes.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Boy Chapter Summaries "End of the book"
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I have been doing for Reading this term.So for this term I have been reading a book called Boy tales of childhood by Roald Dahl.Sothe task we had to do was write a summaries after every chapter on a D.L.O .A summarie is were you write some sentences about what happend in that chapter.
Here is my work.....
Coastal Wolves
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I had to do for wananga.So for wananga we have to make a D.L.O about Coastal Wolves and some facts about them they are a very cloes to the gray wolves.
Here is my D.L.O....
Friday, November 20, 2020
Week 6 Fast Finishers task
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I had to do for my fast finishers task we had to make new school uniform. I got to work with one of the people in my group her name is Shelby.We had to make two more uniforms because we were working together.
Here is my work....
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about my task that I have to do for reading this week. So this weeks task is to answer are friday discussion questions.
I have learned that in 1920s-1930s they were very stricted about what you could and can not do they also did not have pain killers or injections so when you had surgery you had to put up with the pain. The things that are similar are that we still have bording scholls and sick rooms in are schools.
If I was to write a autobiography about my life some main parts would be how I had to move and leave all my friends and family and my pet behind in Australia and how I felt when my nana died.The biges impacted on my life was when my nana died.
I have read one other Roald Dahl book it was Mr fox I do not remember much all I can think of that its about a fox and othe ranimals they can all talk and the book im reading is about Roald Dahls childed hood.
Here is my fast finisher task that I had to do for my book Roald Dahl we had to make a book cove from are book.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Reading Boy
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I have been doing for reading this week.So this week for reading I had to find 10 words that I did not know the meaning of and find the meaning but I could only find 7 words.
Here is my work...
1. #100 De Dion-Bouton the meaning of De Dion-Bouton “of dion button”
2. #67 Appendix - The meaning of this word is a tube shaped sac attached to a human or a mammal
3 #69 ,Appendicitis-This word means when the appendix is inflamed and filled with pus which causes a
lot of pain.
4.#93 Homesickness- Homesick means when you miss someone from your house or a specific object.
5. #78 Adenoids-The meaning of this word is a small patch of tissue high up in your throat behind your
6. #68 Despite-This word means when you contemptuous treatment or behavior that is very outrageous.
7. #77 Anxious-This word means when you are full of uneasiness of fear, misfortune or danger.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what we have been doing for Pe today. So for pe today we had to do gymnastics my foucus was trying to do a backflip on the single bar.Some activities I did today were a frountflip,backflip and a windmille all on the single bar.
here is a photo I took...
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welocme back todays blog post is about what we did for PE today.Today I have been practising on the singel bar to do a backwerads flip and the one leged flip that I learnt that a backwerads flip is hard and the one leged flip was diffrent but fun we also had to film a video of us doing it.
here is the video....
Friday, October 23, 2020
Boy fast finisher task
Hello fellow readers and welcome back. Todays blog post is about my fast finisher task that I ha to do about the book boy and the part were they go to Norway. So for this task I had to make a teavel guide about Norway.
Here is my work....
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I have been doing for redaing this week.So for reading this week I have been reading the book boy so this weeks task was we had to make a avater verson of are selfs and describe our selfs.
here is my work....
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I have been doing for drama.So this week we did frezze frames we were focusing on levels,Spacial Relations, Facial expressions and Posture. We we are talking about leves I mean how height and low and some medium heights. Some of the acting in the photos we had were grate.
here is a photo....
In this image we are all on leves and it makes it looks nice and diffrent.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
online blackout poem
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I did for art last week. So for art we had to pick out a story from a story my story was alice ad wonderland.I selected the words in this part of the story becaues it was the most intresting part. I prefer the digital poem better becuaues it makes more sceenes than the physical poem.
Here is my work...
Monday, October 19, 2020
Pink shirt day
Hello fellow readers and welcome back.Todays blog post is about what I have for Pink Shirt Day.
Pink Shirt Day is all about standing up to bullying and how we can help other people that are being bullied or if we are being bullied. Pink Shirt Day is on the Friday the 16 of October. You can wear something pink and other clothes but you must bring a glod coin.The meaning on my shirt is to get help if you are being bullied or talk to someone you trust about it. It can also mean stand together and stop bulling people.
Here is my work......
Friday, October 16, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome, back todays blog post is about boy a story that I am reading. This story is about Roald Dahl when he was a kid in the 1920 's late 1930's we had to do summarys of some of the chapters in the book. Once we did that we had to do a fast finisher task.
Here is my work.....
• Is Boy a work of fiction or non-fiction? non-fiction
• Why do you think Roald Dahl wrote this book? So that people could know what happened in his life and see what it was like when he was a kid
• Have you read any other autobiographies? No I have not
• Whose autobiography would you like to read? I do not know of any writers
The most interesting part in the story so far is the when they go to the lolly shop and the lady of the shop finds a rat in the lolly jar and the lady gets scared
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Blackout Poetry
Hello fellow readers and welcome,back todays blog post is about what we have been doing for the start of term 4 art. So for the start of art we have been learning about blackout poetry we are learning this so we can write and visualize what we are writinfg about so that we can draw a picter it.
I think blackout poetry is one of the hardes ones that I have done about it's very cool to do I enjoyed do it because it was something new and fun i found it very diffcult to blackout all the words I did not need. The supplies that you need are newspaper,black pen,Black marker and scissors. Fist step you need to find a place in the newspaper the find the words that you would like then blackout the words you do not want then cut it out.
I feel its good but its very frusterating to do I would recermed trying it out.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
PE rules
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about the rules in PE here are some of the rules that we must do.
1. Those people without PE gear will not participate and recevie a conequence.
2.Befor coming into the gym you must line up ae a class outsida the door.
3.Once you are changed into your PE gear you must come and sit down as a class in the place you were asked by the teacher.
4.All gear must be left alone until the teacher has instructed you to ues it.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welome back today's blog post is about what I have been doing for reading.So for reading we had to make a D.L.O about a fairytale the fairytale that I chose was Little Red Riding Hood.
Here is my D.L.O.....
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what I have been doing for reading. So this week for reeading the name of my book is boy we have to make a D.L.O about the book befor we have read it my task was to see how the author was and if they have won any awards and why my teacher chose this book for me.
Here is my D.L.O....

Market Day Reflection
Hello fellow readers and welcome back. Today's blog post is about what we did on market day yesterday.So for market day yesterday my group was called Bits and balmes and we were selling hand cream the small ones were $3.00 and the big ones were $4.00 and you could buy two small ones for $5.00. We make 18 hand creams intotal to get all the itemes we need was $9.00 for the contaners and the rest was free or donated.The people in my group were Hayley, Shelby, Lacie. The Total income that we make was $53.50 but we owed $9.00 so are incoem went down to $44.50.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Script Detective
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays ,blog post is about what we have been doing for drama this week.https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSRjF4kt2BEn3DtYJrPu3j5CwjQkMlvLa3hFLUqJoAQtnj5xm-T5eYbD6VMstU-hfE4j8wrNfcMZIMY/pub
Friday, September 18, 2020
The Gingerbread man
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays, blog post is about what we have been doning for reading this week.This week we have been doing characterization we had to watch a video about the gingerbread man.
The protagonist in the video was the gingerbread man.The antagonist was the old lady, old man, Horse, Cow, Pig, Chicken. The Gingerbread man was a round character the old lady was very lonely and got very bored when her husband was outside doing the gardening and she had done all the cooking and cleaning. The old man was also very lonly but he loved to work out in the garden and did not care what is wife was doing inside. The Gingerbread man was very rude,annoying and was very cheeky to the other people in the story he would also run away from everyone he meat. We saw and heared that the old man and old lady were lonely and were very bored and the Gingerbred man was not a very nice person to be with.This was very easy to see with the Gingerbread man because he would run away.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about Maths.So for maths this week we had to do Mentle illness my one was depression we also had to make a D.L.O about it we all so had to make tables of the dater we collated.
Here is my D.L.O....
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Who are we???
Hello fellow readers and welcome back today blog post is going to be about what we have been doing for who are we this week. So for this week we had to a D.L.O. about a story called Stand Up! this is about all the protest that have happened in New Zealand.
Here is my work.....
Energy Sources
Hello fellow readers and welcome, todays blog post is about what we had to do for science this week and last week. For this week we used a solar oven that we make last week and we got to use it today day. In are solar oven we got to put becketts and marshmallows it was very cool how it could cook it just by the sun we make it out of cardboard tin foil.Last week we got to make a poster about solar power for this we had to draw a solar panel,rocket ship and a plant we got to work in partners for both of this my partner for the poster was Shelby and my partners for the solar oven was Shelby,Kirsty and Isaac.

Thursday, September 3, 2020
Car Shopping
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about Car shopping.We had to do this for maths the reson we had to do this activity was so we could learn how to speand money carfully are task was to find 3 cars that were not over $6000 so we still had money to get 12 months of insurance and vehicle registration. I learnt the insurance and vehicle registration is very expensive and its not easy to find a good and cheap car. We also had to work in groups the people in my group were Shelby, Isaac and Diago it was not easy to work in a group but it did work out.
Here is my D.L.O.....
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about WW1. This will be my second to last blog about WW1 for this one we had to do a D.L.O about some questions and right a letter to there family members and when we were right the letter we had to pretend that we were writing them while the war was happening.
Here is my D.L.O...
The reason why people in New Zealand signed up for the war was to fight for Britain and they were hoping
by doing this they would get something in return. WW1 lasted for 4 years to started on 28th of July 1914
and ended on the 11th of november 1918. In WW1 18,000 New Zealanders died and 41,000 men were
listed as wounded.On the Western Front almost 12.500 were killed and more than 2700 men were killed
in Gallipoli.The end of WW1 came about from a peace treaty that ended WW1 but it was just the
beginning or WW2 was also ended by a peace treaty.
Dear Family
I really miss all of you and I can not wait to see you. I have made my mind up and I'm going to join the
British in battle. So far 12.500 of are men have been killed on the Western Front and more than 2700 of
are men have died in Gallipoli. The gun shots are loud on the shouts of men dying are running through
my head. I really hope I can see you and I love you all.
With all love
Monday, August 31, 2020
Explanation Writing
Hello fellow reader and welcome back todays blog post is about what we had to do for science this week.So for science this week we had to do an explanation writing assessment it had to be about Polynesian navigate and Spaces navigate. We had learnt all about these in science over time.
Here is my writing....
Do you want to know about different ways to navigate??? Some of the ways Polynesian would navigate was by using the ocean.. So one of the ways that they would navigate is by the current and the swell of the ocean. They would also use the stars as another way to navigate through the ocean. Some of the first seafarers tracked the movement of stars across the night sky. They always knew the positions of every constellation; it did not matter what season it was; they always knew every position of every star.
This paragraph is about some ways that Astronauts would navigate through space.One of the ways that they
would use to help each other was morse code you can use morse code by sending - and dots. They would
also use flag signals to navigate through space; they would also use the stars to navigate through space just
like the Polynesian.
The ways the Polynesian would navigate and some of the ways that people would navigate through space
are the same. They would both use the stars and to navigate through space you need a spaceship and to
navigate through the ocean you need a ship they are similar but also different.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Woman in WW1
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about woman in WW1.We had to do this for Reading this week we also had to watch a video about woman in WW1.Once we had watched the video we had to make a D.L.O about it.
Here is my work...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Planet Detective
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about planet detective.We are doing this for science we have to answer some questions.
One of the reasons Mercury lost most of its atmosphere is because it's so close to the sun and it gets hot and some of the gas that are on there get burn And the second reasons is because of the low of gravity. The sun is 57.714 million km from Mercury and the sun is 151.21 million km a way from the Earth the mass on Mercury is 3 with 23 0 kg and Earth's mass is 6 with 24 0.
How dose not having an atmosphere affect the temperature on Mercury this mean that whatever side is facing the sun is the hotest and the side that is not facing the sun is the coldest this happen because there is not much atmosphere on Mercury.
Hello fellow readers and welcome back todays blog post is about what we had to do for science this week.So for science we had to do Explanation writing about Polynesian navigation and spaces navigation befor we could do the writing we had to make a plan once we had finished we had to make a draft after we had done the draft we had to find a buddy to mark are work and we had to mark theres my buddy was Shelby. Once we finished the draft we had to do a final copy they we had to acssess are work and we also had to acssess are buddys work and my buddy was Shelby.
Here is my writing.....
Do you want to know about different ways to navigate???
Would you like to know some ways the Polynesian would navigate through the ocean.
So one of the ways that they would navigate is by the current and the swell of the ocean.
They would also use the stars as another way to navigate through the ocean. S
ome of the first seafarers tracked the movement of stars across the night sky.
They always knew the positions of every constellation; it did not matter what season it was;
they always knew every position of every star.
This one is about some ways that people would navigate through space.
of the ways that they would use to help each other was morse code you can use morse code
by sending - and dots. They would also use flag signals to navigate through space; they would also use
the stars to navigate through space just like the Polynesian.
The ways the Polynesian would navigate and some of the ways that people would
navigate through space are the same. They would both use the stars and to navigate through space you
need a spaceship and to navigate through the ocean you need a ship they are similar but also different.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pet costs
Hello fellow readers and welcome back today blog post is about what we had to do for maths this week. So for Maths we had to make a D.L.O about the costs of 7 diffrent pets we also had to work in partners my partner was Ashton.
Here is my D.L.O......
Type of animal Items Costs
Dog | Dog | $500 |
Dog | Lead | $25 |
Dog | Coller | $20 |
Dog | Car harness | $25 |
Dog | Bowl | $25 |
Dog | Dog Biscuits | $25 of 2 kgs |
Dog | Kennel | $170 |
Dog | Toys | $7-$35 |
Dog | Flea medication | $20 |
Dog | Worming tablet | $8 |
Total for dog | = | $853 |
Cat | Cat | $100 |
Cat | Cat Cage | $50 |
Cat | Cat litter tray | $13 |
Cat | Cat litter | $7 |
Cat | Scratching post | $40 |
Cat | Cat biscuits | $20 of 1.5 kgs |
Cat | Toys | $8 |
Cat | Flea medication | $10 |
Cat | Worming medication | $3 |
Total for cat | = | $251 |
Guinea pig | Guinea pig | $20 |
Guinea pig | Water bottle | $8 |
Guinea pig | Pellets bowl | $7 |
Guinea pig | Pellets | $8 for 1 kg |
Guinea pig | Hutch | $150 |
Guinea pig | Straw or hay for bedding | $7 |
Total for Guinea pig | = | $195 |
Rat | Rat | $7 |
Rat | Cage | $150 |
Rat | Food | $6 per kg |
Rat | Tunnel | $13 |
Rat | Water feeder | $8 |
Rat | Shavings for bedding | $10 |
Total for Rat | = | $194 |
Frog | Frog | $4 |
Frog | Tank | $30-$300 |
Frog | Fake rocks | $15 |
Frog | Plants | 3 for $5 |
Frog | Water conditioner | $13 |
Frog | Filter | $24-$300 |
Frog | Light/heating | $60-$80 |
Frog | Ornaments | $15 |
Frog | Frog food | $10 |
Total for Frog | = | $176 |
Axolotl | Axolotl | $20 each |
Axolotl | Tank | $30-$300 |
Axolotl | Filter | $24-$300 |
Axolotl | Axolotl Food | $13 |
Axolotl | Water conditioner | $13 |
Total for Axolotl | = | $100 |
Turtle | Turtle | $100 |
Turtle | Turtle food | $15 |
Turtle | Tank | $30-$300 |
Turtle | Fake rocks | $15 |
Turtle | Water Conditioner | $13 |
Turtle | Filter | $24-$300 |
Total for Turtle | = | $197 |